Monday, January 18, 2010

Very embarrassed I didn't know this...

"The Montgomery bus boycott was a 13-month mass protest that ended with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional."
from Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle
The boycott lasted for over a year?! Really? Man, I did not see that one coming. I'm sure I knew this at one point, definitely when I was a history student, but for some reason as the years went by the event whittled and whittled itself down to a mere fraction of this time. I think it's probably because when I was learning about it the following was true:
  • I lived in a small Washington town where buses weren't really a thing.
  • The idea of public transit to me was just as foreign as foreign things.
Probably because of that my brain thought... "Oh, I see... interesting, for a year they had to carpool."

I am a moron. And that moronic tendency probably made me slowly lower and lower the significance of this event... until eventually if someone would have asked me about it yesterday I would probably have answered: "Oh you know... like a month."

Now that I only get around with public transit the idea of bailing on it in any way shape or form completely astounds me. I really hope I'm not this ill-informed about other major historical events. That would probably destroy me.

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